Easy Homemade Detox Teas To Keep A Healthy Body 



Detox teas… inset is IHP Detox Teas PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.herbalremediesinformation.com

When you think healthily, a lot of things come to mind which can be summarised under diet and exercise. Part of the diet includes detox. This is the process of keeping the body healthy. Individuals who devour detox drinks day by day as part of their daily routine towards a healthy lifestyle. Consuming junk foods cause a lot of harm to the body hence taking detox drinks tries to correct the wrongs of food choices.

Alcohol is damaging to the body and most importantly the liver is then stressed from overworking as it struggles to cleanse the blood. It is here that detox helps to magically set your body back on track.

Tumeric Tea 

Tumeric is nature’s gift to man and has been used for centuries to treat ailments. Turmeric tea is a sure bet to detoxification of toxins that end up in the body system due to bad food choices.

To make this tea, in a glass of hot water, add half a tablespoon of Tumeric in the water with the addition of honey to sweeten the taste as the taste isn’t mind-blowing. When that is done drink on an empty stomach. 


Ginger like Tumeric is another root plant that is mostly used when detox is mentioned. It is particularly paired with ginger and together it helps to reduce bloating and boost the body’s metabolism keeping the body speed high.

To make ginger tea to detox, add ginger in a glass of warm water together with the lemon juice. Drink at the desired temperature. Another way to make your ginger tea is to add chopped ginger to water and allow it to boil for 5-7 minutes. Once boiled, add the lemon juice.


Chamomile is known for its relaxing abilities but also has its detoxing powers. It is rich in antioxidants that a toxic body needs. If you can’t lay your hands on chamomile itself, buy the tea in stores. Boil a cup of water and pour into a cup with the chamomile tea bag and leave to steep for 10 minutes and drink.  

Mint Tea 

Mint leaves a special type of oil in them; menthol and menthone These oils help to detox the body system. To make mint tea, put the mint leaves in a cooking pot and bring them to a boil.  


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