Don recommends Westminster parliamentary constitution model

Wants 2014 Confab Report Adopted

A Professor of History and International Relations at Abia State University (ABSU), Uturu, Ejitu Nnechi Ota, has reiterated that restoring Nigeria’s hope in the polity was achievable.

He said with proper balancing of power, upholding the rule of law, and satisfying basic human needs, among others, as recommended in the 2014 Conference Report, the country could be brought back on track.

He also called for a new constitution, like the Westminster Parliamentary Model, which he said, would embrace true federalism as a way of redeeming Nigeria from its current quagmire.

Ota made the assertion while delivering the ABSU 57th Inaugural Lecture on the topic: “When history beckons; deconstructing the dialectics of Nigerian Politics since 1946,” at the weekend.

He expressed optimism that such a constitution would give birth to a new Nigeria, whose citizens would no longer be treated as pariahs in other countries.

He said: “If Nigeria must avoid an impending sign of collapse and disintegration, its leaders have to imbibe a reasonable dosage of history.”

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Onyemachi M. Ogbulu, while stressing the importance of History as a subject, lamented its seeming relegation.

He advised parents and guardians to stop dictating courses that their children should study.


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