C’River inaugurates task force to check petrol price hike, scarcity

Cross River State Government has inaugurated a multi-stakeholders task force to check hike in petrol price in the state. The state Governor, Bassey Edet Otu, who inaugurated the committee, yesterday, in Calabar, condemned the hike, which he described as arbitrary without any genuine reason.

He frowned on the activities of petroleum dealers, saying they are creating artificial scarcity of the products in the state. Otu mandated the committee to check the situation in the state, noting that petroleum products currently at fillings stations and tank farms are subsidised and that the dealers should have waited till July when the subsidy period would be over.

He said: “It is harsh of the petroleum dealers to increase the price because the President made a pronouncement stating his commitment to what is already known.”

He charged the eleven-man task force, led by Mr. Peter Okim, to carry out their assignments with honesty and diligence, as they ensure that petroleum products are not hoarded and sold at the right pump price in the state.

In his response, the Chairman of the task force, Okim assured the governor that they will justify the confidence reposed in them. On the indiscriminate parking of petroleum tank trucks along major highways in the state capital, he said: “We will get them to return to the parks and free the highway. Their presence at the entrance to the state has constituted a huge traffic risk and nuisance in the state capital.”

Following President Bola Tinubu pronouncement on subsidy removal, pump price of PMS in the state has jumped from N210 per litre to between N500 and N1,000, causing hardship on motorists and commuters, as prices of goods in the market rose. 


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