Choose Your Reality

PamelaTHE above is so true on many levels. The text suggests that what man dwells upon in his or her mind, he or she ultimately attracts.
This is true, in that there is a law of attraction defined by our thoughts. Have you ever wondered why those who believe there is nothing good in men or women never see anything good in any?

Here is the balance: If you think there is nothing good in men or women, this becomes your reality and therefore you wouldn’t notice a good man if he were right under your nose for a year and half (See Jeremiah 17:5 – 6).
Seeking Truth; The True Reality

Image and comportment does tell you something about men and women, but then it can only go so far.Unless you are looking out for the truth, you will never see past a well-masked ulterior motive.
Some of the people with the worst ulterior motives are perfect gentlemen or ladies without. Therefore, it is not enough for you to be looking with your eyes.

The reality of life is usually not what we expect; some people see only what their physical eyes can perceive, others see also with the eyes of their mind.

This also is another illusion, since reality cannot be defined by limited understanding, reasoning of personal prejudices and self-righteous judgement.

“You attract into your life a reflection of what you think. But you also attract into your life what you judge. “If you think people are dishonest, you will attract dishonest people. If you are focused on a sickness or disease, you will attract the same. If you focus on poverty or lack, you gain nothing more than an empty bank account. “Everything negativity you hold in your conscious thought becomes your cage and your reality-” Anonymous

However, when truth is sought, self-delusion can be avoided.
The Backstory
The backstory is what I call the experience that birthed the principle someone lives by; an abusive relationship or job, a judgemental parent, an indulged childhood, etc.

Since we are highly emotional beings, it gets tricky when we try to disassociate ourselves from emotions in order to make a reasonable judgment.

When an experience is deeply entrenched in our psyche, making the right judgment seems impossible.However, the only way to overcome is to seek the truth concerning that experience.

As the scriptures say, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8: 32 KJV).The truth is not just about the realities of the individuals involved, but the greater truth that was preeminent over the situation.Suffice it to say only God can open the eyes of a man to see truth, and to see truth, we must desire it.
Judging By Experiences

The easiest way out our mind seeks is to try to prevent the same situation from happening by locking down and building emotional barricades around ourselves.The reasoning is that our experiences are true and therefore any risk will likely bring us to the same experience.
The problem with this is that our experiences are not the whole picture; life cannot be seen through a mirror. Life is to be risked and embraced, if it can be enjoyed.

More Than Conquerors
What does it mean to be a conqueror? If we cross the finish line, we can be said to be conquerors.
However, if we cross it with a sprained ankle and a limp, we are said to be more than conquerors.
This is true strength; to take what life throws at you and make a bridge out of it. Life, as it is said, happens to everyone. But those who truly conquer are those who rise above misfortunes to win. It turns their scars into emblems of honour.

Having said that, for a wound to heal, it needs a truth greater than our experiences.
For a scar to become a thing of honour and beauty, it takes strength that comes only by the grace of God. It takes open eyes that have discovered the true nature of life.
It takes the distinct touch of ethereal light in the darkness of humanity to make even our negative experiences work for our good.

