Cattle rustlers from Cameroun responsible for insecurity in Taraba, Gov. Ishaku alleges

Taraba State Governor, Darius Dickson Ishaku, has alleged that cattle rustlers from the neighbouring Cameroun Republic are responsible for the insecurity in some parts of the state.

Two out of the six local councils in Taraba Central, have in recent times, been enmeshed in security challenges, the situation which has led to herders/farmers attacks, kidnappings, among other criminal activities.

Bali and Gassol local councils were said to have been under security check due to the influx of rustlers from the aforementioned country.

Ishaku, who made the allegation, yesterday, through the Commissioner of Information and Reorientation, Lois Emmanuel, said: “The government found out that cattle rustlers from neighbouring Cameroun have invaded several communities in the areas.”

The rustlers, he said, were going about threatening the lives and property, especially cattle belonging to indigenous inhabitants.

The governor, who also frowned at those pointing accusing fingers at the government for being responsible for the killings in these areas, said:

“Those behind this healthy development have tried all available wicked trick to label the problem as a crisis targeted at a particular ethnic group,” adding that “this is far from being the truth.”

He argued that “it is not an inter-ethnic or intra ethnic rivalry and clashes, as doomsday agents have sought to portray it.”

He said the government had involved vigilance groups to contain the criminals’ activities.

He called on those blaming the government for the current security challenges in Gassol and Bali councils to desist from such acts.


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