World - Page 1221

1,500 homes damaged by Cyclone Marcia in Australia

AUSTRALIAN officials on Sunday said all efforts were being made to help those affected by tropical Cyclone Marcia which smashed through Queensland state leaving 1,500 homes damaged and thousands without electricity. Marcia
9 years ago

Former President Hadi Flees Capital

YEMEN’S former president Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has fled the capital, Sanaa, weeks after he was put under house arrest by Houthi rebels who forced him to resign. Mr Hadi later arrived
9 years ago

Mugabe Marks 91st Birthday Amidst Concerns

ZIMBABWE’S president, Robert Mugabe, turns 91 Saturday, with his supporters saying they will back him to run his full term until 2018 and beyond despite nagging questions about his health and an
9 years ago