Opinion - Page 669

Are banks pinching pennies from the poor?

When the tireless Akintunde Asalu was alive, shareholders had influence over Board actions. There’s been less impact since his exit and less transparency as a result. One valuable insight from the meticulous watchman was:
19 hours ago

The election is all over

THE March 28, 2015, presidential vote has all along been presented in both local and foreign media as a battle of titans, a tough war. This is in keeping with media’s penchant
9 years ago

To make the NYSC scheme better

The NYSC has introduced a skill acquisition programme in collaboration with private businesses. But this is open only to youth corps members who can pay the fees. This is discriminatory and wrong
9 years ago

BPE and standards in housing sector

In fact, housing, otherwise shelter, is recognised as one of the three basic human needs, together with food and clothing. And in most economies, whether classified as “developed”, “developing” or “underdeveloped”, huge
9 years ago