Canada carries out first airstrike against ISIS

8196210449_5c30a24d64Canadian fighter jets have carried out their first airstrike against ISIS in Syria. Canadian forces are part of the U.S.-led coalition trying to stop the extremist group’s advances in Iraq and Syria. Canadian warplanes have conducted dozens of strikes against ISIS targets in Iraq since November.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced plans last month to expand the airstrikes into Syria.

“This first airstrike under the expanded mandate demonstrates our government’s firm resolve to tackle the threat of terrorism against Canada and to promote international security and stability,” Defense Minister Jason Kenney said in a statement.

“ISIL is a genocidal terrorist organization and we will deny them safe haven in the region,” he said, using an alternative acronym for the militant group, which refers to itself as the Islamic State.

U.S. warplanes have been bombing ISIS positions in Iraq since August and in Syria since September. Other Western and Middle East nations are taking part in the campaign, either through direct military actions or by providing support.

Photo Credit: Harry Castaneda via Compfight cc


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