ASUU carpets Oyo, Osun over funding of LAUTECH

LAUTECH. photo credit: lautechportal
LAUTECH. photo credit: lautechportal
The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), branch has berated governors of Osun and Oyo states over unpaid ‎13 months subvention. While Osun is accused of owing 11 ‎months, Oyo is owing two months.

ASUU in a statement signed by its chairman, Dr Oyebamiji Oyegoke, raised an alarm over the deteriorating health of academic staff who were made to work throughout the year without rest in order to raise the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).

In the statement entitled “How Not to Run Public University: the painful truth on the state of affairs at LAUTECH”, said it decided to call on Nigerians to prevail on the two-owner states to do the needful and rescue the institution from imminent collapse.

“Responsibility behooves us, therefore, to call the attention of the general public to the following observations of how not to run a public university; especially one, on which a people’s aspirations and hopes lie for technological and economic transformation…”

The statement, which stressed that the non-payment of subvention to the university has now become the norm, added that “welfare issues are now jettisoned. For example payment of salary, pension and gratuity to workers are now put in abeyance since salaries, when available, must be supplemented from internally generated revenue (IGR) by the University.

“There is no available period to observe annual leave as academic calendar must be kept rolling so as to bring in IGR to sustain the university.

“Poor funding has resulted into absence of any visible projects in the university except for those gotten from TETFUND and Special Intervention Funds, which are outcome of ASUU’s persistent struggles.

While Oyo State has braced up in paying some of its own indebtedness to the university, Osun State has refused to redeem its own image by paying the 11 months’ subvention owed.

The executive governors of Oyo and Osun states are our leaders who gave us hope by their promise of December 12, 2012, they must see to its fulfilment; for such is our expectation of the legacy, which they have inherited from past leaders and which they owe history to sustain.”

