Adewunmi Desalu Parkinson’s Foundation holds second annual symposium

The Adewunmi Desalu Parkinson’s Foundation (ADPF), has brought together key stakeholders, experts, and advocates to advance dialogue and initiatives for Parkinson’s disease care and awareness in Nigeria.

It was at the occasion of its second annual symposium held on May 3rd, 2024, at the ADPF Centre, Alaka Estate in Surulere, Lagos.

Themed “Educating, Engaging, and Empathizing: Building a Supportive Ecosystem for Parkinson’s Awareness and Care,” the symposium featured dynamic sessions addressing innovations in Parkinson’s care, community empowerment, fundraising efforts, and inspiring speeches from key figures.

Special Adviser to the Governor of Lagos State, Dr. Mrs. Kemi Ogunyemi,
delivered an inspiring keynote address stressing the pivotal role of government support in advancing Parkinson’s awareness and care.

Dr. Ogunyemi called for collaborative efforts to address challenges faced by Parkinson’s patients and families across Nigeria.

She called for “the need for an integrated care model which will consolidate services across different levels of our healthcare system from primary care Physicians who first see symptoms to specialists like neurologists who manage more complex aspects of the disease.”

She emphasized that “the coordination between these levels ensures that patients receive timely and effective care, reducing the likelihood of severe complications and hospital readmissions.”

The session commenced with an exploration of recent advancements in Parkinson’s care within the Nigerian healthcare system.

Panelists highlighted the importance of multidisciplinary care models, improved access to specialized treatments, and innovative therapeutic approaches aimed at enhancing quality of life for individuals living with Parkinson’s disease in Nigeria.

The second session focused on community engagement and non-medical interventions to empower the Parkinson’s community.

Panel discussions explored the pivotal role of support groups, advocacy campaigns, and inclusive initiatives in combating stigma and fostering holistic care for Parkinson’s patients in Nigeria.

Consultant Physician/Neurologist, representing the Permanent Secretary of the Lagos State Health Service Commission, Dr. Oladunni Abiodun delivered an enlightening plenary speech emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts among government agencies, private organizations, and NGOs to enhance Parkinson’s care and support services in Nigeria.

In her speech, she shared that “the Lagos State government has put in place the Lagos State Health Scheme, which offers insurance when citizens pay 8,500 naira to enable them access affordable and quality healthcare in our general hospitals all over the State.”

The founder of the Adewunmi Desalu Parkinson’s Foundation, Mrs. Omorinsojo Desalu, expressed her vision and commitment to advancing Parkinson’s awareness and care in Nigeria.

She highlighted the foundation’s journey and achievements, calling for continued dedication and collaboration to make a lasting impact on the lives of Parkinson’s patients.

In her speech she spoke to the Parkinson’s disease warriors and their caregivers saying, “we are praying that your stories will inspire other people to come and tell their stories, and Nigeria will become a place that is Parkinson’s aware. So, we all can spread that information to help people catch this disease early when it is in someone’s system and direct people to the right place.

Chair of the Governing Board,Mr. Offong Ambah highlighted the importance of fundraising to advance Parkinson’s research and support initiatives.

Mr. Ambah emphasized the need for collective action and encouraged stakeholders to contribute to the Adewunmi Desalu Parkinson’s Foundation to drive meaningful impact.

Esteemed guests, including representatives from the World Parkinson’s Coalition and InMotion (Ohio, Texas), conveyed heartfelt messages of solidarity and support. Participants emphasized sustained advocacy, increased funding for research, and expanded community-based programs to enhance Parkinson’s care nationwide.

The collaborative spirit demonstrated at the symposium underscores the global commitment to advancing Parkinson’s awareness and improving the quality of life for individuals affected by this condition.

The symposium announced upcoming initiatives, including the “Move for PD” awareness walk on June 29th, 2024, and the premiere of the documentary “Beyond the Tremors: Living Well with Parkinson’s” on the ADPF YouTube channel.

These initiatives aim to raise public awareness and promote understanding of Parkinson’s disease in the community.

Dr. Aderemi Desalu, Chair of the ADPF Advisory Board, in his remark expressed gratitude to participants, panelists, sponsors, and attendees for their support and commitment to Parkinson’s advocacy.

Dr. Desalu reaffirmed the foundation’s dedication to collaboration and innovation in improving the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s disease in Nigeria.

Ms. Laura Temituoyo Ede, Executive Director of the Adewunmi Desalu Parkinson’s Foundation gracefully concluded the symposium, expressing deep gratitude to all attendees, both physical and virtual, for their active participation and support throughout the event.

She emphasized the importance of sustained efforts in raising awareness and fostering a supportive ecosystem for Parkinson’s care in Nigeria.

Ede encouraged everyone to stay engaged with the foundation’s upcoming initiatives and invited them to the Move for PD event on June 29th to further promote Parkinson’s awareness.


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