Abuja: Group moves to end street begging among persons with disabilities

Some of donated items
A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Sir David Osunde Foundation, has moved to end street begging among Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs) in the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), by ameliorating their sufferings.
The founder, Sir David Osunde, stated this in Abuja, during the distribution of items to mark the 31st edition of special celebration for the PWDs, organised by the Foundation.
Osunde, who was represented by Dr. Anthony Osunde, noted that the gesture is part of the foundation’s goal of taking people with disabilities off the street. 

He said: “We are donating 1,000 items to beneficiaries for this year. The aim of the empowerment is to end street begging among the beneficiaries. Apart from the items donated, some of PWDs were trained on liquid soap production and business logo design, among others.”
In his remarks, the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja Archdiocese, Ignatius Kaigama, urged Nigerians to emulate the love and life of Jesus by supporting PWDs.
He said: “Nigerian’s need to channel their energies into building a society where PWDs will feel at home and loved. Instead of thanking God, a lot of able-bodied people engage in crimes, like kidnapping and killings of even Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
“This is a duty that needs to be done. We sometimes waste so much time on things that do not matter, this foundation is calling our attention today.
“We are concerned about very big projects that are of national and international value, but when it comes to the people who matter, people who just need basic things to survive, we are lacking. We are invited to a work of love and charity; helping the sick, works of mercy; I am calling on everyone to get engaged.”
Items distributed by the Foundation to support the PWDs  include: 1,000 wheelchairs, crutches, bags of rice, and other were donated items.
In her address, the Minister of Women Affairs, Dame Pauline Tallen, said: “We must do all we can to share what God has given us with the disadvantaged, and to touch lives.”
She commended the Foundation and those supporting it to actualise the dream of empowering people with disabilities,  and urged Nigerians to partake in such empowerment gestures.


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