Abia group rallies support for Ikpeazu’s guber bid

SUPPORT for Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP’s) governorship candidate in Abia State, Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, in next Saturday’s poll has received a boost.

A grassroots group, Vanguard for Abia Rebirth (VAR), which has rallied support for him, according to its coordinator, Prof. Godwin Nwanguma, deemed it necessary to voice out its concern based on the dismal tirade against the qualification of Ikpeazu, who he called the authentic Ngwa indigene in the April 11, 2015 election in the state.

It was claimed that detractors fear that Ikpeazu may end up a stooge of Governor Theodore. A. Orji, his political mentor.

But Nwanguma dismissed the claim as unfortunate, uninformed and baseless. He said: “It is with a deep sense of responsibility that we, on behalf of the true sons and daughters of Ngwaland (the Aborigines), address all Abians. At this auspicious moment, it is imperative that aggrieved Abians have a rethink on a number of issues, and give unqualified support for the candidacy of Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, the authentic son of Ngwaland, in the April 11, 2015 governorship elections.

“We are not oblivious of the fact that there are people who are not disposed to the candidacy of Dr. Ikpeazu, presumably because he is being supported for the race by Governor Orji, and the assumption that he may end up a stooge. These are mere speculations without any iota of truth. Justice and fairness demand that you do not throw away the baby with the bath water, because even Dr. Orji has no intent of stooping to such depths of incivility in trying to control a man who is known to have distinguished himself as an honourable and decisive thinker.

He also cited the example of Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu who facilitated. Orji’s election into office, but that the latter cannot be called a stooge of the former. “In Anambra State, the incumbent Governor Willy Obiano cannot be deemed as a stooge of former Governor Peter Obi, his mentor, who almost singlehandedly put him in office,” Nwanguma stressed.

He blamed enemies of Abia State, and of Ngwaland in particular, who do not want Ndi Ngwa to produce her first ever governor since the creation of the state, despite having zoned it to her, to be deliberately behind the malicious propaganda and scandalous aspersions against the person of Dr. Ikpeazu.

Also, according to Barrister Ugwuzor Adindu , Secretary of VAR, “Dr. Ikpeazu is the best candidate Ngwaland has put forward in this election, and is a highly independent and erudite scholar (Doctorate degree holder, former university lecturer and former HOD at Enugu State University), accomplished intellectual and seasoned administrator. These are the qualities that earned him the ticket in the first place. His antecedents as a high performing public servant are there for all to see.”

The VAR scribe also put the records straight comes against the backdrop of recent media reports of claims “a settler and non-Ngwa indigene” who claims to have the right to represent the Ngwa people for this slot.

Adindu appealed to Abians, saying; “You should not withhold your support for Dr. Ikpeazu, because of his political leaning. What matters now is his obvious competence and qualification for the post of Executive Governor of our great state. Besides, it behooves all Abians to ensure that the rot of mistrust and inequity, which have become standard practice at the national level of Nigeria’s politics, does not come to fester in Abia State.”

He said VAR voiced its concern ahead of Saturday’s election, “to ensure that no section of the state should feel sidelined, and call all leaders of our great state not let this slide begin, with the denial of a people whose chance has come.”

He added: “NOW is the time to support Ikpeazu and Ndi Ngwa by extension. If an Ngwa man loses by default, it would be an irreparable injury to Ngwaland and its hospitable people.”


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