A woman’s journey to wealth

Abiola Adediran

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about financial freedom? For many women, this dream is about more than just money; it’s about control, security and the ability to shape their own futures. But how do you turn this dream into reality?

Wealth means different things to different people. For some, it’s about owning a dream home; for others, it’s about ensuring their children get the best education. For Ada, a marketing executive in Abuja, wealth meant having the freedom to do whatever she wanted to do and travel the world, experiencing new cultures without financial stress.

Ada’s journey began with a simple realisation: Understanding wealth isn’t just about earning money; it’s about managing and growing it. She knew she needed a plan and the first step was gaining financial literacy.

Financial literacy is like learning a new language. It starts with basic vocabulary –savings, investments, interest rates – and gradually becomes more complex. Ada began her journey by attending workshops and reading books on personal finance. She subscribed to financial blogs and followed experts online who shared practical tips. She learnt about the 50/30/20 rule – 50 per cent for needs, 30 per cent for wants and 20 per cent for savings and investments. This simple guideline transformed her approach to money management. She started tracking her expenses, cutting unnecessary costs and prioritising her savings.

With a solid understanding of her finances, Ada moved to the next phase – saving and investing. She set up an emergency fund, a safety net for unexpected expenses. This fund gave her peace of mind, knowing she could handle emergencies without derailing her financial plans. Next, she explored investment options. She remembered a key lesson from her financial literacy journey: Start small and diversify. So, she began with a simple savings account, then gradually ventured into mutual funds and stocks.

Ada’s friend, Fatima, introduced her to an investment club where she pooled funds with other investors and shared her experience with real estate investment that gave good returns. Inspired, Ada joined the club, saved diligently and eventually bought her first rental property. This not only provided her with a steady income stream but also served as a long-term investment.

Every journey has its bumps and Ada’s was no different. One of the biggest challenges she faced was her limited income, which slowed down her ability to significantly grow her investment portfolio. She decided to create new income streams and leveraged her passion for catering and events management. She decided to start a side business, which she managed alongside her corporate career.

As Ada’s wealth grew, so did the complexity of managing it. She realised she needed professional guidance. She consulted a wealth advisor who helped her to create a balanced and holistic wealth plan that not only focused on investments but considered life goals, risk tolerance and personal values. With her help, Ada was able to create a personalised financial plan that included retirement planning, insurance and estate planning.
Ada was introduced to the concept of passive income – earning money with minimal effort. This led Ada to explore dividend-paying stocks and peer-to-peer lending, further diversifying her income streams.

As Ada approached her 40s, she shifted her focus to long-term financial security. She revisited her retirement plan, ensuring she was on track to live comfortably in her later years. Ada also started thinking about her legacy. She decided to set up a trust fund for her children’s education and made charitable donations to causes close to her heart.

Ada’s journey to wealth taught her that financial independence is a continuous process, not a destination. It requires ongoing learning, adaptability and resilience. But most importantly, it’s about having the freedom to live life on your terms and the ability to support and uplift others along the way.

Ada’s story is just one example of how a woman can achieve financial independence. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to grow your wealth, remember that the journey is unique to each individual. Equip yourself with knowledge, seek guidance when needed and don’t be afraid to take risks.Your journey to wealth begins with a single step. Take that step today.


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