2024 Hajj: Pilgrims rates Saudi service providers high

Muslim pilgrims perform the farewell circumambulation or “tawaf”, circling seven times around the Kaaba, Islam’s holiest shrine, at the Grand Mosque in the holy city of Mecca on June 18, 2024 at the end of the annual hajj pilgrimage. (Photo by AFP)

Apparently satisfied with the renewed arrangement on 2024 hajj services, pilgrims have commended the Saudi Arabia authorities for efficient welfare.

The pilgrims essentially applauded improved feeding arrangements and provision of fee souvenirs that enhance pilgrims comfort during their temporary stay at the tent city of Muna and Arafah.

The Guardian observed timely and sufficient supply of meals and nutritional supplements as well as free camping accessries supplied by Saudi based service provider Ithraa Alkhair at the holy sites.

While sampling experiences on services received during their stay in Muna and Arafah, Nigerian pilgrims and counterparts from Senegal, Mali, Niger Republic and Burkina-Faso revealed satisfaction.

Hauwa Abubakar, from Niger republic said the feeding arrangements and sanitary services were satisfactory. She added that the services in the outgoing hajj stand out away from previous experiences.

“I have observed so many new things in this year’s hajj different from what we use to have. The Saudi Arabia government has really improved the services. For instance I have seen changes in the Muna, Arafah and Musdalifah services.

“I notice new tents and very powerful cooling system at Arafah. At Musdalifah, the service provider provided carpets for pilgrims. This is different from what we use to experience over the years.

Similarly, Amina Abduo Umar, a Senegalese pilgrim applauded the feedong arrangements and increase in the capacity of equipments at Muna, and Arafah.

“It is a wonderful experience in my five days stay at Muna, Arafah and Musdalifah and I give glory to God. Although, the atmosphere is very hot but the cooling system provided by Saudi based provider was massive.

“Particularly at Arafah, we recieved camping accessories including blankets, pillows, toothbrush paste and bath soap among other items in the package,” Abduo said.

Also, a Burkinabe pilgrim, Alhaja Khairah Mohammadu could not hide her satisfaction on the changes noticed on feeding arrangements and improved facilities at the sacred sites.

“I want to applaud Saudi government and the service providers for efficient service enjoyed this year. We did not have it good this way in previous year.

“Although, I am not surprised because everyone knows Saudi government will always come up with new ideas and innovation on yearly basis. We thank the government and service providers for that”.

Saliu Adamu, a Nigerian from Kogi state appreciate the service rendered at Muna and Arafah but worried by meal supply by officials of Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

“We conducted all our spiritual exercise very well and the arrangement by Saudi Arabia was perfectly okay and you can commend them for that. The tents at Arafah were okay with the cooling system. The Muzdalipha was nice with provision of carpets.

“But I have reservation on the ways and manner the FCT officials are coordinating the meals. We are aware the foods supply are well enough to go round, but with poor management, some people would end up not receive.”

There were also concern on the limited capacity of rest rooms at Muna when compare with the number of pilgrims. Pilgrims therefore urged the service provider to expand the capacity to enable unfiltered assess.

